3rd BRICS International Competition Conference, 2013 to Facilitate Showcasing India as an Attractive Investment Destination


New Delhi November 19,2013: Corporate Affairs Minister Mr. Sachin Pilot has expressed the hope that the 3rd BRICS International Competition Conference(ICC), 2013 being organised in New Delhi shall facilitate to showcase India as an attractive investment destination. Briefing media persons about the 3rd BRICS ICC, 2013, Mr. Pilot said that this International Conference being hosted by Competition Commission of India(CCI) shall enable exchange of ideas on issues and challenges in competition enforcement in BRICS countries. BRICS Competition authorities shall sign the Delhi Accord that would show their unanimity in development and cooperation amongst the BRICS competition authorities. The Corporate Affairs Minister appreciated the role of competition regulator in India and advised it to become a facilitator in setting a forward looking economic agenda and give confidence to people that there would be a level playing field in the sphere of economic activity.

Responding to a question about the draft National Competition Policy, Mr. Sachin Pilot informed that the consultation with stakeholders is being held and the policy is almost ready for adoption.

The third BRICS International Competition Conference is being held at New Delhi during November 20-22, 2013. The conference is being organised by Competition Commission of India (CCI) on behalf of BRICS countries in pursuance of the Beijing Consensus, New Delhi Declaration and Action Plan adopted at Fourth BRICS Leaders Summit in New Delhi on March 29, 2012. The theme of the 3rd BRICS ICC is “Competition Enforcement in BRICS Countries: Issues and Challenges”.

Responding to queries by the media persons, Chairman, CCI Mr. Ashok Chawla said that the 3rd BRICS ICC will not only provide an opportunity to the BRICS countries but it will also act as a knowledge sharing platform between BRICS countries and other global competition regulators. 100 foreign delegates from various competition authorities including the US, EU and Australia are participating. Apart from international delegates, around 180 Indian delegates including professionals, academics and government functionaries are expected to participate in the conference. CCI Newswire