Ador Fontech Limited, Belview 7 Haudin Road Bangalore 560 042


Company Name : Ador Fontech Limited

Address : Belview 7 Haudin Road Bangalore 560 042

Tel No: 080 25596045 25596073

Email : [email protected]

Website :

Company Profile

Ador Fontech Limited was incorporated on August 22, 1974 and set its course on repair welding from December 1, 1979. Initially, it started functioning as a trading unit under the banner of ‘Cosmics General Engineering’. Thereafter, a process was initiated to bring in the best of technology to India from across the globe. Through dint of application engineering, the Company enriched itself to become a manufacturing organisation and today, it is a total solution provider. The Company’s maiden public issue was in the year 1995 and is currently listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange.