Babymoon Vacation on rise in India: Cox & Kings Survey


About 82% of the pregnant women surveyed expressed their desire to go on a babymoon vacation

Mumbai, November 17, 2017: To understand the demands and choices of the upcoming traveller’s segment of ‘Babymooners’, Cox & Kings, the oldest and leading tour operator has released its survey titled ‘Decoding the Babymoon Trend’.

Babymoon is a term that refers to a brief vacation taken by would be parents to relax/travel before the baby is born.

Cox & Kings spoke with close to 1000 women comprising both pregnant women and new mothers.

The survey was conducted in metro cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata. Interestingly the survey has revealed that 82% of the pregnant women wish to go on a Babymoon and the most preferred time is the second trimester.

About 72% of the new mothers had opted for a Babymoon during their pregnancy. ‘Relaxation’ being the primary reason for women to take a babymoon, they feel it offers a great window to have a child-free getaway.

Given a choice, 65% of women wish to take an international babymoon trip. The would-be mothers are quite clear about who they want to accompany with 77% of them wanting to go with their husbands only and not the entire family.

This comprehensive survey by Cox & Kings has shed light on vital insights of ‘Babymoon vacations’.

‘Beach Destinations’ are the most preferred for 88% of the women as it offers leisure beach walks and scenic views. The topmost priorities for the couple while planning the babymoon trip are safety, duration of travel and medical help.

Goa, Jodhpur, Maharashtra and Kerala have topped the list of most preferred domestic babymoon destinations, whereas Seychelles, Thailand, Dubai and Sri Lanka top the list of most preferred international destinations.

Cuisine remains one of the most important aspects of the vacation with 65% of the babymoon takers wanting to taste local food over carrying packaged food/taking a chef along.

Breaking the babymoon myth, 97% of the respondents would disapprove adventure trip. A majority of the pregnant travellers choose custom-made tours over group tours.

All-inclusive resorts are the favourite with 75% of the participants, feeling it is best to relax at one place. Hence multi-destination holidays are a strict no-no for the majority.

Close to 82% of the respondents say they would opt for vacation spanning from 5 to 7 days with the rest choosing less than 5 days. Irrespective of the location, 85% would consider opting for a Travel Insurance.

Parenting is a huge responsibility which leaves couples little time for themselves. While pregnant, parents are both excited and nervous. A babymoon is the best option to relax and unwind as it is your last child-free getaway. Here are few tips by Cox & Kings that will ensure your babymoon is definitely memorable!

1. Consider the length of travel – Though your heart may call for a destination quite far, it is advisable to opt for one close by. You are free to go for an international destination; however one must avoid long-haul

2. Medical help within reach – It is best to finalize the medical centre or hospital that you would go to at a particular destination. Being prepared with enough logistical information will ease the process of seeking any medical help. Have the contact details of the centre well in advance. You may check with your tour operator for that

3. Disease-free country – Check if any specific epidemic, disease or viral infection is plaguing the country or destination that you choose to go. It is best to avoid such places. You may refer to information given by health organisations or your tour operator

4. Consult your doctor – It is best to ask the doctor when you are ready with your base plan. Check if you can fly, if yes, what number of hours is your limit. It is best to avoid rough journeys on a bumpy road. Make sure, your vaccinations are all ticked. An okay from the doctor will amplify your excitement

5. Protect that bump – While travelling, especially in cars or similar vehicles, let your seatbelt not trouble you. Extend it from your shoulder and over the collarbone and the hip portion under the abdomen. If you are travelling in the train or flight, make sure you have enough room for your belly

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)