Burning Desire


New Delhi, January 27, 2018: Just as a thought sows the seed to a dream, a burning desire to achieve the goal is necessary to full fill the dreams.

How do we define DESIRE 0R BURNING DESIRE?

The dictionary meaning of DESIRE is “a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.” So, we can say a Burning Desire is the strongest feeling of wanting something and an eagerness to go to any extent for achieving the same.

Where does the want or wish originate from? It comes from the seeds of thoughts sown in our minds. Until and unless we think something, we cannot ever have a desire or a want or a need for anything. Until and unless I dream of becoming the badminton player, I cannot wish to win Olympic medals in the game of badminton.

From Olympics, I am reminded Ms. Deepa Malik, the silver medallist at the Rio Paralympic Games, 2016, in the event of Shotput throw. The lower portion of her body is paralysed and she has braved numerous surgeries to help her survive her condition. But she is a free-spirited person, who was passionate about motorbikes since childhood. Even after the disability, she never let her love for adventures and bikes fade and always desired to ride a bike herself. Not a normal one on normal roads, but the dirt bike. She has participated in a number of sporting events including swimming, car racing, javelin and shot-put throwing and holds records and accolades in each one of them.

How was this possible? All of us at some point in our life have been challenged by our own health issues in carrying on the work we do for our day to day living. And here is a lady, for whom her own personal chores were a task, who is not even able to stand on her own two feet, goes on and achieves so much name and fame in the field of adventure sports. How is it possible? Where is she different? What does she do that we are not doing? In fact, there are lot of things that we do, which she might not be able to do. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE IS THAT OF THE DESIRE. She refused to be bogged down by her medical condition and the gossips and demotivation dished out to her by the society. She had a desire to lead a life better than a normal person, a life full of adventure and activities. And that desire led her to believe in herself and achieve all the accolades and honours that she has achieved.

Thus, we have seen, desire is of utmost importance and is a stepping stone towards the achievement of our dreams, our goals.

Most people either lose their desire to succeed, don’t have the desire to succeed, have the wrong desire attached to their goal or don’t know what their real desire is. The last 2 are where most people fall – they may want to achieve certain goals – but don’t have the right desire attached to their goal or don’t know what their real desire is.

Our desire is the fuel to our success – if we don’t have the desire to achieve our goals – we’re not going to achieve it. A goal without a desire is like driving a car without gas. We’re simply not going to get anywhere.

If we want to achieve our goals we need to have the desire to achieve our goal or we have to have the right desire associated with that goal.

Realizing and understanding our core desire is critical to our success.

If we’re setting a goal to make more money but don’t know what we truly desire then we may find that we’re not making the progress that we want because there is no real desire. And this is only because we’re not focusing on our desire – we’re not using the Power of Desire.

Having a desire is what fuels our ability to succeed. We may want to make a crore of rupees – but what is it that we truly desire? Is it a better home? A better life, more time, financial security? If this is our desire then this is what we need to focus on regularly – especially when we think about taking steps to make a crore rupee – or whatever amount we want to make.

We first should understand why we truly want to accomplish a certain goal because this is how we will identify our true desire. Once we know our desire we can begin pursuing our goal with confidence because we’ll be utilizing the power of desire – which when combined with the power of our subconscious mind virtually guarantees our success.

When we know our desire, we should think about that desire regularly, every day, every moment and constantly look for ways to achieve the goal that will allow us to fulfill that desire.

If we want to have success – if we want to achieve our goals, if we want to enjoy happiness and a better life then we have to understand our true desire – or why we want to achieve our goals.

We can create our desire by simply looking at the goal we want and understanding how achieving that goal would significantly improve our life and the lives of those around us. If we’re not clear on our desire then start thinking about how accomplishing that goal will improve our life and the lives of those around us.

If we think we want to live life with passion and experience happiness – then think about how achieving that would improve our life and the lives of those around us. As we start doing this we’ll begin to uncover our desire.

Once we have a desire, it requires us to create a belief system that corresponds with what we truly desire – this means having beliefs and attitudes that allow us to fulfill our desire. We can’t desire to have a better life and then believe that it’s difficult to make more money and improve our life. If we have a belief that is in conflict with what we desire then we’re really defeating our self before we even start.

If we know our desire then we have gas in our car. But if we have the wrong beliefs then we’re going to drive our car in the wrong direction – we still won’t get to where we want to go. We still won’t achieve our goals if we don’t have the right belief system.

A desire helps us set our priorities right. It motivates us to get up each morning and toil towards our goals, to start afresh in case of failure.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)