NIESBUD – Promoting and Developing MSMEs


New Delhi November 22, 2013:
The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) has been functioning from 6th July 1983, under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

The basic objectives of the Institute are promotion and development of micro, small and medium enterprises including enhancement of their competitiveness through different interventions.

The major areas of intervention of the Institute are: –


The different kind of training programmes being organized by the Institute inter-alia include Trainers’ Training Programmes (TTPs); Management Development Programmes (MDPs); Orientation Programmes for Head of Departments (HoDs) and Senior Executives; Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs); Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs) and specially designed sponsored activities for different target groups.

Of late, the Institute, in order to provide skilled work- force to different industrial sectors, has also been focusing upon conduct of market driven Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs) in different trades where the shortage of skilled work force is being felt by the concerned industries besides organizing fee-based training activities in contemporary fields.

NIESBUD has provided training to 1,58,700 persons as on March 31, 2013 through 5,951 different training programmes since its inception in July 1983. This includes 2,453 international participants hailing from more than 130 countries throughout the globe.

In the year 2013-14, about 100,000 persons are likely to be trained. By the end of November, 2013, more than 60,000 persons have already been trained.

Research/Evaluation Studies

Besides the primary/basic research, the Institute has been undertaking review/evaluation of different government schemes/programmes, training need assessment, industrial potential survey etc. and preparing project profiles all of which form an integral part of the multi-farious activities of the Institute. The broad objective of these activities is the promotion of the MSME Sector.

The year 2012-13 saw the Institute completing seven evaluation/research studies. The Institute is working on a number of evaluation/research studies at present which are at different stages of completion.


Development of Course Curriculum/Syllabi

The Institute has developed Model Syllabi for organizing Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for nine different target groups: General Entrepreneurs; Science & Technology Entrepreneurs; Women Entrepreneurs; Educated Unemployed Entrepreneurs (SEEUY); Ex-Servicemen Entrepreneurs; Rural Entrepreneurs including weaker sections; Artisan Entrepreneurs; Tribal Entrepreneurs and Handicapped Entrepreneurs.

At present, the Institute is assisting the Core Group on Standardization of the Common Training Programmes of the Ministry of MSME in standardizing/ introducing new courses.

Publications and Training Aids

The Institute has been bringing out different Publications on entrepreneurship and allied subjects. The recent publications of the Institute are a Booklet “Learn to Earn” – An Introduction to Entrepreneurship for School Students; Text Books on Computer Hardware & Networking; Food Processing; Desktop Publishing & Entrepreneurship Development and a Book on Training Programme : Employability & Entrepreneurship Skills.

The Institute has also assembled an Entrepreneurship Motivation Training Kit consisting of six different games and exercises for facilitating imparting of training by Trainers.

The Institute also brings out a quarterly Newsletter containing information about the Institute’s Activities, its forthcoming programmes/activities and the important events in MSME and connected sectors.

Cluster Interventions

The Cluster Approach for development of MSME Sector has been found to be very cost effective, the world over. The Institute has been actively involved in undertaking developmental programmes (Soft and Hard Interventions) in Clusters in different capacities. The Institute has so far handled a total of 24 Industrial Clusters.

At present, the Institute is functioning as an Implementing Agency for setting up of a Common Facility Centre (CFC) in Scissors Cluster; Meerut.

The experience of the Institute in Brass Cluster, Moradabad; Textile Cluster, Pilkhuwa and Scissors Cluster, Meerut, has been quite enriching and productive.

Garment Incubation Centre


The Incubator sponsored by the Ministry of MSME and functioning at the Campus of the Institute, has been instrumental in providing hands-on training and familiarizing the beneficiaries with the real factory, market conditions. The Centre is equipped with the latest cutting, sewing and embroidery machines including single needle lock stitch, over lock stitch and inter lock stitch sewing machines which go towards providing a practical orientation/ environment to the beneficiaries.


Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) have been found to be a major and crucial area in the functioning of the units and development of the MSME Sector.

The Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre, operational at the Campus of the Institute under the office of DC (MSME) provides assistance under one roof to the units located in its vicinity for identification, registration, protection and management of Intellectual Property Rights, as a business tool.

The E-Module: EDP

The Institute has developed an E-learning Module (Hindi and English) for Entrepreneurship Development Programmes. The course material of the Module has been incorporated in a C.D. which is moderately priced. The Module is especially useful for the persons who are not in a position to devote full time in formal classroom environment.

The Module involves one-day introductory classroom training followed by 14 days’ of on-line training. After an on-line examination, the participant is awarded Certificate on line. The Module is very popular among students of management and technical institutions of higher learning.

The Module has so far been launched in the States of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan.


The Regional Centre, Dehradun

The Regional Centre of the Institute functioning from Dehradun undertakes research and provides training and consultancy services to the beneficiaries specially those belonging to the states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.


Hand-holding for Enterprise Creation and Employment Assistance to the Trainees

The main objective of the EDPs and ESDPs being organized by the Institute is to motivate increasing number of participants to opt for self-employment. The Institute provides hand-holding services to such persons. The Institute also assists the participants to find suitable wage employment if they do not opt for self-employment.

The percentage of the trained persons thus assisted by the Institute during the last three years is:


Percentage of Participants assisted for setting up of Units

Percentage of Participants assisted for Wage Employment











Collaborative Activities


Of late, the Institute has been collaborating with different domestic and overseas institutions for promotion of entrepreneurial provision of support services for different target groups. A few such institutions are the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group; GIZ; Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE); Sun On-line Learning India Pvt. Ltd.; Intuit India, Jaipuria Institute of Management etc.


Partner Institutions

The Institute, in order to increase outreach of its training activities, empanels such grass-root level organizations engaged in educational activities including those pertaining to entrepreneurial development which have adequate infrastructure, experienced faculty and financial viability for conduct of different training activities. The Institute, at present, has 63 Partner Institutions spread over 12 states/U.T.


International Activities

The Institute conducts 8-weeks’ training programmes under the Fellowships of the Ministry of External Affairs: ITEC/SCAAP/COLOMBO Plan for the participants from different countries.

Besides, the Institute also designs and conducts special training programmes for overseas agencies and has also been assisting other countries through consultancy assignments primarily in assessing the industrial potential of different Regions.

Consultancy Services are offered both at National and International Level through:

Setting up of Entrepreneurship Development Institutes (EDIs); undertaking macro and micro industrial potential survey for truly bringing out the industrial potential of different geographical locations; assessing the training needs of different target groups; selecting different beneficiaries viz; trainers, MSMEs etc.; designing syllabi and developing curriculum for different training programmes like Trainers’ Training Programmes (TTPs), Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs), Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) and different orientation programmes; organizing customized training programmes for both trainers and entrepreneurs as well, either in India or outside; developing appropriate training aid material for use in imparting training to different target groups; developing monitoring and post-training services mechanism for maximizing the benefits; identifying different industrial clusters and ensuring their integrated development and facilitating formulation of the plans & policies and establishment of infrastructure for promotion of MSME sector.