Council of Education and Development Programmes (CEDP) Launched lifetime Job Card “youthopia” for students to facilitate blue collared employment


Mumbai, July 04, 2016: Council of Education and Development Programmes (CEDP Skill Institute) one of the premier institute imparting training and education recently launched a lifetime job card “Youthopia” for its students to get lifelong support from the institute. The service will facilitate easy access to all the candidates of CEDP with plethora of jobs from anywhere in Mumbai and its neighboring regions.

As per CII only 14% of the 500 million Indian workforce accounts for the formal sector and the remaining 86% are part of the unorganized sector. Nearly 12 million people join the workforce every year. Over the next two decades, India is estimated to add 25% to the world’s workforce. To bridge this gap between the unemployed population and job providers CEDP has taken a step forward to offer a platform which is a win- win situation for all. Candidates can now easily access the card “youthopia” by simply registering it with the institute. The Institute will also help the job seekers to create their first ever resumes online and therefore, connecting them to potential corporate and mainstream employers.

At the launch of youthopia, Shaheen Khan, Founder Director of Council of Education and Development Programmes, commented, “As part of our philosophy, we, at CEDP constantly enable people to rise in all facets of life through proper education and training. Youthopia is one such inclusive innovation. In the past few months we have registered several students from across the city and have successfully engaged with many job seekers with prospective employers. Our aim is to reduce the socio-economic gap by ensuring that job seekers get ample job opportunities”.

“Youthopia” has been acclaimed by initiatives under the National Small Industries Corporation (A Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of MSME) to extend placement support to the students of entry level vocational training courses. Additionally, it has received several accolades from national and international bodies of repute for INNOVATION.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)