.Emphasis on Efficiency in Process Industries Makes the Indian Industrial Valve Market Look Green, Finds Frost & Sullivan


Valve manufacturers focus on capacity expansion to make the most of the opportunities in the Indian market

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Monday, March 25, 2013 — (Business Wire India) — The continuing drive in process industries to lower costs by increasing efficiency bodes well for the Indian industrial valves market. Both domestic and multinational industrial valve manufacturers are focusing on expanding their manufacturing capacities to gain market share in the intensely competitive market.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan ( http://www.industrialautomation.frost.com ), Analysis of the Indian Industrial Valves Market , finds that the market earned revenues of around INR 3,880.5 crore in 2011, which is estimated to cross INR 5,757.1 crore by 2016, owing to the demand from power and oil and gas industries.

“The need for higher process efficiency stokes demand for actuated valves in new installations as well as for retrofitting manual valves with actuation in brownfield installations,” said the Frost & Sullivan Industrial Automation & Process Control Analyst.

Further, the widening gap between demand and supply of power is compelling the Government to roll out initiatives to increase power generation capacity. Higher investments in power generation, city gas distribution (CGD), and pipeline as well as refining projects translate to higher sales of industrial valves.

Although opportunities abound, the presence of a large number of unorganized manufacturers (around 40 percent) that are not part of a tax net decreases the revenue and valuation of the market, which has around 600 valve suppliers. Around 80 percent of this large group of suppliers is region and district focused, hindering the entry of national and international valve suppliers. This dilutes the market share of the key suppliers and shrinks the profit margin.

“In the interest of sustainability, industrial valve manufactures have to widen their range of offerings and regions of operation, as Indian consumers seek the most suitable product to enhance their process efficiency,” noted the analyst.

Industrial manufacturers can also improve their market share by laying emphasis on R&D to develop their ability to provide customized valves. Further, they may establish a sophisticated manufacturing set up and present success stories that validate their capability.

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Analysis of the Indian Industrial Valves Market is part of the Industrial Automation & Process Control Growth Partnership Service program. Frost & Sullivan’s related research services include: North American Centrifugal Pump Market, Global Digital Manufacturing Market, North American Machine-To-Machine Software and Services Market, and Advanced Process Control and Process Optimization Market in India. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

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Analysis of the Indian Industrial Valves Market



Akshata Mhatre, Corporate Communications – South Asia, Frost & Sullivan, +91 9867873010, akshatam@frost.com

Priya George, Corporate Communications – South Asia, Frost & Sullivan, +91 9840355432, priyag@frost.com

Nimisha Iyer, Corporate Communications – South Asia, Middle East & North Africa, Frost & Sullivan, +91 9820050519, niyer@frost.com