Employment Exchanges as Career Centres


New Delhi, December28, 2015: The Government is implementing the National Career Service Project for linking employment exchanges and other institutions using technology to provide a variety of employment related services like career counselling, vocational guidance, information on skill development courses, apprenticeship, internships. These service are available online on the National Career Service Portal


supported by Call Centre/Helpdesk. The portal provides for training/skilling institutions to register and post their courses which can be accessed by all users. The NCS service can be availed directly through the Employment Exchanges/Career Centres and Common Service Centres.

Further, the Government has decided to convert the Employment Exchanges into Career Centres in collaboration with the State Governments for providing employment services to the students and job-seekers along with other employment related assistance. Guidelines have been circulated to States/UTs for adoption. The portal is accessible to all employers both government and private to register and post their vacancies and shortlist the candidates.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)