Financial Results Linc Pen & Plastics Ltd.


New Delhi, July 05, 2020: The Board of Directors of Linc Pen & Plastics Ltd.  at its meeting held on 29th June, 2020 took on record the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 31st March, 2020. Linc Pen & Plastics Ltd is one of India’s most trusted writing instrument manufacturers. They have a robust domestic and international presence spreading across 50 countries and the brand is respected for producing world-class and innovative products.

  Particulars (Rs  Lakhs) Q4








Total Income 10,093 10,683 40,000 36,937
EBITDA 1,105 807 4,126 2,783
PBDT 985 661 3,580 2,154
PAT 498 64 1,925 515
EPS (Rs.) (not annualized) 3.35 0.43 12.94 3.46


Commenting on the results, Mr. Deepak Jalan, Managing Director, Linc Pen & Plastics Ltd. said:

“I am pleased to inform that we registered a 9 % y-o-y growth in our total revenues in FY20 compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year. We recorded a 63 % y-o-y growth in our bottom line in Q4 FY20 compared to FY19 and a 101% y-o-y growth in FY20 compared to FY19. Our EBITDA margin strengthened by 250 bps to 10 % in FY20.

Better product mix, backed by a slight moderation in polymer prices, helped us improve our bottom line during FY20. The 1st 2 months of FY21 were washed out due to the lockdown and the sales recovery in June 20 in the domestic market is to the tune of about 50% of last year same month.”

Milestones Achieved 

  • For the first time in the Company’s history, Linc touched almost Rs. 400 crores of revenue during the financial year.
  • After about two years, Linc achieved a double-digit EBITDA at 10.7%, which is the highest ever by the Company. In Q4, EBITDA stood at 10.3%.

Key Highlights 

Domestic performance  

  • Fast emerging product ‘Pentonic’
    (launched in FY19) became the second largest product in terms of volume and the largest product in terms of value in the overall product basket of the Company
  • Pentonic Gel and Pentonic V-RT were introduced and the response is equally good.
  • The Company reported Rs. 8,080 lakhs of domestic revenues for Q4 FY20 compared to Rs. 7,827 lakhs for the same period in FY19 (3.2% y-o-y growth)

Export performance 

  • Linc generated Rs. 2,107 lakhs from exports during Q4 FY20 compared to Rs. 3,032 lakhs for the same period in FY19 (y-o-y decline of 30%). Majorly the decline was on account of shipments being shifted to next quarter due to the lockdown.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)