Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd., #39, “Shanthigruha” Bharath Scouts & Guides Building, Palace Road, Bangalore-560001


Name : Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd.

Contact Person : Ravindra S.R.

Designation : Assistant Technical Officer

Address : #39, “Shanthigruha” Bharath Scouts & Guides Building, Palace Road, Bangalore-560001

Email : [email protected], [email protected]

Website : http://www.kredlinfo.in/


The Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL), is an organization working under the purview of Energy Department, Government of Karnataka. The objectives of the KREDL are to promote renewable energy in the State and to initiate all necessary actions for Energy Conservation in the State. The KREDL works through various Governmental Agencies, Private Organizations, NGO’s and Accredited Energy Auditors.

The Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd. (KREDL) is an organization devoted entirely to the promotion of non-conventional energy sources in Karnataka. Our aim is to promote projects for harnessing energy from wind, small-hydro, biomass, solar energy and energy recovery from wastes through private investment. The company advises the Government of Karnataka on policies to be adopted for ensuring a systematic and balanced growth of projects for harnessing renewable energy sources.

Create synergies between industry, finance, government, and technical experts to evaluate challenges and opportunities arising from law and policy; Make politically feasible recommendations to promote clean energy. Catalogue “best practices” in renewable energy regulation at national and regional levels. Disseminate findings through renewable energy networks and global partnerships, targeted events, and at international negotiating fora; and Act as a catalyst for change to promote policy and legal instruments that will enhance the market position for renewable energy.