Let’s Do It India Network in collaboration with Finolex Pipes, Mukul Madhav Foundation, Robotex India & Robotex International, Hack the Crisis – India,


Schbang organises Digital Clean-up Day on 05th of June 2020 to celebrate the World Environment Day

New Delhi, June 04, 2020: People don’t often realize that in the digital world there is also pollution that influences the actual environment. Almost all online activities increase our carbon footprint. In 2009, McAfee published a report which said that it takes the same amount of energy to deliver billions of spam e-mails as two million US households use in a day. By 2025, it is estimated that data repositories will be using a fifth of all produced energy, as well as be some of the greatest polluters.

Digital Cleanup has a distinct and real effect. Removing digital waste clears storage space in devices, thus making them faster and saving valuable time. An organised digital workspace also has a positive psychological effect, as tidy workplace results in increased focus. Decluttering may help inspiration and forgotten ideas to resurface, too.

“The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. These are exceptional times in which nature is sending us a message. Digital world pollution also influences the actual environment. With coronavirus pandemic enforcing social distancing restrictions this environment day 2020 – It’s time to build back better for People and Planet by digital decluttering” quotes Ms Gayatri Chhabria, Trustee Mukul Madhav Foundation. 

“The emanation of COVID19 has accentuated the fact that, when we destroy biodiversity, we destroy the structure that supports human life. It would take 1.6 Earths to meet the demands that humans make on nature each year, internet alone will produce 20% of the world’s greenhouse gases. The pandemic has inflicted us to hit the ‘great pause’. Digital Clean up this Environment day, will not only save the life of our electronics by removing superfluous data, but will commit undoubtedly to reduction of Global Carbon Emission.” says Ms Payal Rajpal, South Asia Head Robotex & Founder Hack the Crisis – India. 

“The world is in lockdown, many countries have imposed severe restrictions of movement on their citizens who have to face weeks between their house walls. I am sure they have already cleaned their possessions, now it’s time to turn attention to the digital clutter of their lives,” said Pankaj Choudhary, Founder, Let’s Do It India Foundation NGO, which is the organization behind the largest ever cleanup action World Cleanup Day, that in 2019 brought 1.6 million people out to clean India.

“The cause is noble and we are so glad to be associated with it. Apart from it being noble and helping the planet, we also hope that it helps organisations realise that by getting rid of unnecessary digital space they can also save a lot of money and open up space not just in hard disks but the minds of their people as well.” Harshi Karia, Founder at Schbang 

Digital Cleanup Day is organized by Let’s Do It India Foundation, which has also organized World Cleanup Days since 2008. In 2019, on 19th September, World Cleanup Day brought 1.6 million people out to clean their communities. This effort is to try and make It the biggest digital clean up drive this environment day creating opportunity in crisis by reducing the CO2 emissions generated by digital foot print.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)