Mark your culture calendar – head to Goa this December to immerse yourself in the ‘Serendipity Arts Festival’


Goa | 16-23 December, 2016

New Delhi, December 01, 2016: Serendipity Arts Festival, a multi-disciplinary arts festival set over a period of eight days in Panaji, Goa. The event will be spread over 7 venues namely –Adil Shah Palace| Jardim Garcia d’Orta | Old GMC Complex & Courtyard|Mandovi Promenade | Kala Academy | Bandodkar Ground | SAG Ground.

The festival will be curated by a panel of experts spanning all the major disciplines – the performing arts, visual arts, and culinary arts. The festival has two curators in each field, each with distinct backgrounds and representing different sides of the discipline, in order to start conversations and exchange across artistic styles, generations, and geographies.

An intensive schedule of over 40 exhibitions, performances, workshops, amongst other activities will be accessible to audiences throughout the eight days of the Festival. In keeping with the commitment to accessibility, majority of the programming will be free and require only a basic registration.

Visual Arts
Jyotindra Jain | Manjari Nirula | Dinesh Khanna | Prashant Panjiar | Ranjit Hoskote | Riyas Komu

Performing Arts
Sanjeev Bhargava | Tanusree Shankar| Ranjit Barot | Shubha Mudgal | Anuradha Kapur | Lillete Dubey

Culinary Arts
Manu Chandra | Odette Mascarenhas

To access the festival calendar – please visit
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Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)