Octane.in Announces Free Online Release of their Annual India e-Marketing Report 2013 – Spark the Surge


New Delhi,  April 10, 2013:Octane.in, India’s leading email marketing company has announced the online release of its third annual e-Marketing research report, “Spark the Surge”, in HTML & PDF formats. The report is now available for free on the research section of Octane’s website ( www.octane.in/research ).

Released in January 2013, Spark the Surge saw participation of 500 marketers from 412 companies-making it India’s largest marketing community research project till date. It captures the trends and issues related to e-marketing (mobile, web, email, social and digital) and 70+ of the companies that participated in this industry research are from the e-commerce domain.

“Keeping in line with our commitment from January, we are releasing this report as a free industry resource for everyone. We’ve gotten great feedback from the hundreds of marketers who have read it over the last few months and I believe its time to share the knowledge even further” said Samarth Saxena, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer for Octane.in.

Some of the key findings from the report are:

1. Social Media continues to be the top investment for online marketing in India for 2013 with 65% of India marketers willing to provide an investment boost to the channel (up from 37% from last year).

2. Email marketing is the second highest e-marketing investment channel for India marketers in 2013. A staggering 99% of the respondents revealed that Email Marketing Programs were effective in meeting desired goals for 2012.

3. Three quarters of all marketers believe that in 2013, up to 50% of all email marketing messages will be viewed on mobile phones but only 40% of them have active plans to address mobile marketing as part of their current strategy.

4. ‘Once a week’ mailing has seen the most significant rise of 14% from 2011 to 2013 while there has been a moderate decrease in daily mailing activity.

5. 49% of marketers believe that in 2013, integrated campaigns can significantly increase conversion rates (up from 37% in 2012 and 31% in 2011).

6. 55% of marketers in India rely on professional ESPs (like Octane) to ensure their email marketing messages reach the ‘inbox’.19% of marketers in 2013 (vs. 15% in 2012) shared that their marketing groups are responsible for inbox deliverability. The data also shows a moderate decline in IT’s role in such marketing campaign (down from 22% in 2011 to 18% in 2013).

7. 39% of India marketers believe that a ‘code of conduct’ by an Industry body like the IAMAI or DMAi would be effective in curbing the growing menace of spam in India. Only 4% of the respondents in 2013 see a role of regulator stepping in and stopping all promotional campaigns (vs. 9% of respondents from last year who supported such a role for a regulator).

8. 50% of the respondents feel that increasing Click-Through-Rate (CTR) or Conversion-Rate (CR) is the biggest challenge they face in email marketing. Last year, the biggest challenge as reported was to prevent emails from going into the junk folder.

The report is viewable in HTML format & downloadable as PDF at: http://www.octane.in/research/report2013/

About Octane:

Octane.in is India’s first multi-channel platform for integrated marketing campaigns. Marketers can send integrated multi-channel (Email, SMS, Social and Web) campaigns on a clean, spam-free marketing platform, built on intelligent software which is available on demand (pay as you go, zero upfront cost, zero lead time to start) or onsite (deployed at location). It is a powerful, up-to-date campaign software backed by a 24×7 IP reputation management service, on a highly scalable &secure platform for even the most demanding customer campaigns. In 2012, Octane was voted as one of the Top 20 Tech startups in India by Tech Circle.