Rahul Dev A Prominent Hindi Journalist Awarded By Union Minister For Health Dr. Harsh Vardhan


New Delhi, July 15, 2019: Eminent journalist Mr. Rahul Dev was awarded with Haridutt Sharma award which was organized by Pandit Hari Dutt Sharma Jayanti Puraskar Samiti on 12th July, 2019 at Nehru Memorial Auditorium, Teenmurti. Union Minister for Health Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of State for Transport General V.K.Singh, Former Union Minister for Railways Suresh Prabhu, Congress Leader Janardhan Dwivedi, Dr HR Nagendra, Journalist Vinod Agnihotri, Writer and Poet Ashok Chakradhar, Chairman of Asian Film and Television Institute Sandeep Marwah and Organizer Raj Kumar Sharma were all the distinguished guests at the event.

Pandit Hari Dutt Sharma Jayanti Puraskar Samiti’ finds it necessary to give honor to the most deserving journalist every year. Pandit Haridutt Sharma who was India’s emblem journalist, successful writer, prominent thinker, sounding speaker, passionate social worker, skilled administrator, and a politician. An award after his name is given to people for positive journalism, writings and social service. This year Mr. Rahul Dev Was Honoured with Pandit Hari Datt Sharma Award along with a cash price of Rs. 51,000/- commendation letter, a souvenir and a shawl.

Mr. Harsh Vardhan stated the value and importance of hari datt sharma award and gave a token of appreciation to all the dignitaries and highlighted thier key achievements. He also discussed how health in India has become an improving sector.  India is lucky to have the hand of a general on its head in the form of Mr. VK singh. He highlighted that India has marked its presence in all over the world.

He stated that Rahul Dev is a prominent hindi journalist who always followed his values and still have a will to stick to his native language and his unbiased opinions in his profession throughout.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)