SOIL Gurgaon brings together Inspired Leaders for Digital India withILC 2015


Gurgaon, Oct 17, 2015: In its consistenteffort of building Inspired Leaders with Character, Competence and Enthusiasm, The School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL), an innovation in management education took another step in this direction by hosting the 7th Annual Inspired Leadership Conference (ILC 2015) on 9th – 10th October 2015 at the SOIL campus in Gurgaon. This year the theme of the ILC was “Inspired Leadership for Digital India” and brought eminent business leaders, thinkers, young professionals and students to discuss the leadership challenges and opportunities around Digital India.

The two day conference at SOIL saw a series of dynamic discussions and knowledge sharing sessions Mr. TV Mohandas Pai, Chairman Manipal Global Foundation; Mr. Osama Manzar, Founder Digital Empowerment Foundation, Ministry of Communication& IT, Govt. of India; Mr. Puneet Bhatia, Director, Emerging Technologies & Digital Practice, KPMG; Mr. Pratik Kumar, CEO Wipro Infrastructure Engineering; Mr. Subroto Gupta, Digital Transformation & Innovation Leader, Genpact , Dr. Vinnie Jauhri ,Director , Education Advocacy Microsoft Corporation , Mr. Vishu Karthik , Associate Director , The Heritage School and several other senior leaders participated in the two day event.

The first day of the conference started with the inaugural address by Mr. TV Mohandas Pai, Chairman, Manipal Global Foundation on leadership challenges & opportunities. Mr Pai enthralled the audience as he walked them through the history of disruptions that have transformed the world and how Digital India is poised to transform the nation. This was followed by a Research paper presentation by SOIL students,Bhavishya Raghuraman& Alka Dixit on “Digital India- Winning Strategies across Business and Social Sector”. The Second half of the conference saw an Open Space session facilitated by Mr. Anil Sachdev, Founder &CEO,SOIL where the participants listed their questions in a market place format and focused groups around issues they care most about. This was followed by deep conversations and reflections. The day concluded with the closing circle with participants enthusiastically sharing their insights and learning.

The second dayof the conference started with the key note address by Mr. Osama Manzar who spoke about digital divide and how the human connect and Digital India initiative can bridge the gap. Shriram, Vigneshwar G and Rethina Kumar, students of SOIL, presented a White Paper Report on the Impact of Digital India on Education Sector.A panel discussion on Leveraging Digital India for the Social Sector- Education, E-Governance, Healthcare, and Impacting Rural India witnessed a conversation between Mr. Kumar Abhishek, Founder of ToneTag and SOIL alumni; Dr. Vinnie Jauhri, Microsoft; Mr. Vishnu Karthik, Heritage Group of Schools; Mr. Anirban Mukerji, Qualcomm and Dr. Vimarsh Raina, Bharat Stem Cell. Later part of the day saw a special address by Swami Nikhilanandaji on “Tuning within- Energy behind all things Physical & Digital”. The highlight of the day was a special performance by the students of SOIL and Delhi University. Theatre, music and dance charged the atmosphere and set the stage for an enlightening discussion on Smart cities by Mr. Sunil Jain, Sr. Vice President Efkon India. Mr. Ashish Sonal CEO, Orkash shared his insights on the Big Data. The Valedictory address was delivered by Mr. Pratik Kumar, CEO Wipro Infrastructure Engineering.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. TV Mohandas Pai said , “Educational institutes are accepting digital with open arms. It is humbling to see the disruption brought by Digital India to the society.Very soon India will become a Digital Global power with the kind of progress it is making with the new generation. The disruptive technology has penetrated the rural sector and is working towards the elimination of middle men and bringing profit direct to the manufacturer of the product.”

“SOIL is bent upon stimulating innovation in the society with the help of its students. We encourage students to create an impact with the effort they are putting in every day at work and study. The biggest source of nourishment of a start-up comes from a business model that manifests conscious practices. Therefore it’s really important to focus on conscious thinking and progressing with the development in the society. The ILC 2015 has shown us a lot more about the disruption which is soon to empower India with young minds and we aim to contribute towards the same.” said Anil Sachdev, Founder & CEO of School of Inspired Leadership 
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