Success Guru AK Mishra’s talk on art of success at Jamia Milia Islamia


New Delhi, Feb 05, 2015:
 The CSI student chapter of Jamia Milia Islamia had invited SuccessGuru A.K. MIshra for a talk on how to excel and lead in the chosen field on 3 rd Feb 2015 at the Ansari Auditorium, Jamia Milia Islamia. The title of the workshop was Art Of Success and the chief speaker was SuccessGuru A.K. Mishra, who gave insights and tips on excellence to the students present. The workshop was largely attended by students from different departments of the University.

SuccessGuru A.K. Mishra, motivated students to convert their weakness into strength and think like Civil Services Aspirants. The Seminar provided guidance to the aspirants on how to excel and lead in the chosen filed, and this method of lecture not only keeps the students glued to their seats but also encourages them to engage positively with Success Guru AK Mishra.

In this seminar, SuccessGuru A.K.Mishra discussed the importance of development of administrative traits in Civil Services as an important condition for their success in Civil Services examination. During this seminar, he briefly explained “How To Discover Yourself?” According to him, you are Universe in this epitome, because there is always something you know better than the others. You weren’t accident, you are not mass produced, and you were not assembly line product. You are deliberately planned, specifically gifted and lovingly positioned on earth by master craftsman. He said that never consider yourself as poor. You have unlimited power and he also said that this world belongs to believers. Start living with the belief and you will achieve everything you desire with a focused mind towards your Goal.

In the program he also invited successful candidate of Chanakya IAS Academy, Mr. Yunus, IAS Himachal Cadre to share his experience in the Civil Services so far.CCI Newswire