The Clouds Economy”, Matt Mayevsky, 2 October 2013. The publishing announcement


Poland, September 18, 2013: The Clouds Economy is a book presenting the multi-dimensional perspective of Cloud Computing (CC): economic, technological and sociological. The publication explains what and for whom CC is, how and why one should take advantage of Cloud solutions. In addition, the book contains the description of the CC evolution from distant yesterday, through deep today, to distant tomorrow. The publication presents the latest and unique opinions, views, and the news about the Cloud market. The whole is enriched with the very modern graphic design, including tens of infographics, tables, charts and diagrams, thanks to which the publication becomes the text and graphic record and know how about CC. The parts of the Clouds Economy have a different profile depending on a presented aspect, that is: academic, textbook and guide. A reader will find here broad and synthetic knowledge about Cloud Computing and its impact on business and our daily life. The book is full of practical examples describing possible using of Cloud solutions and also references to real applications.

The structure of the book contains four chapters:

I. Clouds Forming Time,

II. Multi-dimensional Architecture of Clouds,

III. Clouds Physics,

IV. Alternative Scenarios of the Clouds Economy Future.

The first chapter is a thorough introduction to Cloud Computing. A reader enters the World of Clouds through four thresholds of cloud forming: political, market, social and technological. Thanks to it, he/she knows the whole process of Cloud forming from its beginning to the present day

One should pay attention to market and technological factors. A reader finds information about concepts and technologies prior to Cloud Computing, (Utility Computing, Grid Computing, Big Data, etc.), and also economic motifs of the introduction, using and development of CC. The summary of the first chapter is a review of the latest and most interesting definitions of Cloud Computing and also the description of the most characteristic features. The chapter is enriched with the graphic presentation of the CC development in the form of the Timeline of the Clouds Economy.

The second chapter concerns the Multi-dimensional Architecture of Clouds. It answers the following questions: how does Cloud function, what are its basic elements, what are relations between these elements. The Multi-dimensional Architecture of Clouds illustrates the whole complexity of the Cloud market in such a way which facilitates operating in it. The Taxonomy of The Cloud System containing so called the Fauna Acronyms, Cloud Sphere and the presentation of Clouds Residents should be numbered with more interesting accents of the second chapter. Besides, Cloud Sphere encompasses the complete typology of Clouds along with its comparison analysis, whereas the description of Clouds Residents shows the variety of its participants beginning with Regulators, through Cloud services Providers, Integrators, and ending with various groups of users.

Whereas the chapters mentioned above are of academic – textbook character, the third chapter, the richest of all, is practical and functional. Here all pro and against of Cloud solutions are concentrated.  The first paragraph of the third chapter illustrates Bridges and Cliffs of the Cloud offer from the perspective of the business and private user. The detailed analysis of benefits and risks will be useful for each end user at the various level of advancement and knowledge about CC. The summary of this point is weighing pro and against Cloud factors. In turn, the second paragraph is the broad description of Cloud Mechanics, that is possible applications and combining a Cloud offer in solutions package. In the third chapter it is especially worth noticing lifestyles in clouds which illustrate manners and motifs of making use of the Cloud offer and Multi-Economy of the Cloud enterprise  (such as:the Cooperation Economy, the Economy of Distributed Resources, the Economy of Augmented Reality, the Economy of Applications, the Economy of Muta technology, and the Clouds Economy).  Especially this last aspect is extraordinarily interesting with regard to complexity and the possibilities hidden in CC from both the freelancer, employee, and enterpreneur’ s perspective. The publication guides us through meanders of the Cloud absorption of selected industries and sectors, clouding process of the enterprise up to forming a new type, marked with the acronym C.01. One should also pay attention to the point the Utopia of Clouds signalizing possible Cloud applications by government and local administration. The summary of the third chapter is the Road Map and Compass of Clouds orienting a reader in the broad offer of Cloud Services Providers. This paragraph introduces the Cloud services taxonomy for business and private users, available price models and the location of purchase places along with their description.

The forth chapter deals with the analysis of CC trends, and it is also the summary of the Clouds Economy in ten-dimensional scale. In addition, we find here the Cloud Computing trends review, the richest of available ones in the market. The complement to the chapter is the presentation of four alternative development scenarios of the Clouds, including: S1. Like Clouds Planet, S2. The World of Cloud Corporations, S3. The Ecosystem of War, Control and Supervision and S4. Mono Cloud. Cloud Fiction Point has been elaborated according to the scenario method of the strategic foresight

The Clouds Economy is dedicated to business users: enterpreneurs, managers, specialists, freelancers, all interested in improving their cooperative and individual workflow. Also private users will find here, except for useful knowledge, advice and Cloud inspirations improving the organization of daily life. The book is written in colourful, non-technical language enabling to understand complex aspects of CC to all interested in taking advantage of the variety of the offer and the possibilities of the Clouds World. — CCI Newswire