Why Social Media Hiring is the In-Thing Today


Everyone today has had their own journey with the evolving technology. With the speed of evolution, and with various tech companies racing each other to come up with bigger and better technological advancements, it is indeed an impossible task to try to predict the future of technology.

Same is the case with HR and talent acquisition. As more and more social and technological platforms emerge, HR too gets affected in the long run. With the evolving face of recruitment, it is imperative that talent acquisition remains on top of it.

A CareerBuilder survey states that 83% of today’s job seekers prefer to search for jobs on social media while only 65% recruiters are posting job openings and actively looking for prospective candidates on social platforms.

73% of employees between the ages of 18 and 34 also state that they found their last jobs through various social media channels.

So what is it that keeps the recruiters from utilizing this source?

Social media and social collaboration tools are available for you to use as recruiters. They provide you the ability to change information into insights which in turn can be used to inspire. As a recruiter you need to stay ahead of the curve, and be prepared to leverage all the tools and technology at your disposal.

Using the Big Four

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram – the big four of the social media world

Facebook alone has crossed over 125 million users in India itself. That is at least another 100 million users in the working age-group, even if we get niggardly and say 50 million that is still a huge number.

Study states that about 94% of the recruiting fraternity is available on LinkedIn but only a mere 39% of them use it for recruiting purposes.

A question that may arise is how one can be sure that one will be receiving quality hires. Fact remains that social media helps you know a person much better than their resume. A resume says what a person wants it to say, but a social media profile will show us who that person really is. Also, with the tech way, there are a lot of tools available for predictive analytics. If you have clarity on what qualities you require in a hire, analytic tools can be used to weed out the inappropriate applicants, leaving you with a smaller but more apt number of resumes in hand.

What needs to be kept in mind that out of these “big four”, each is a different kind of platform, and how you approach these has to be different in each case. Some communities and prospective candidates (photographers, designers, etc) can be better approached though instagram, while for writers you might want to check out LinkedIn or even some other blog platforms.

As recruiters, you need to be where your target audience is and truly your target audience is out there hiding in the open on social media sites. The only one thing that should be remembered is that technology is not your master. Use it and let it enable you, not enslave you. Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.