Without a .com you may be invisible to those searching for you


New Delhi, December 03, 2015: Not creating a website in today’s internet age may lead to your business eventually fading away. In the age of digital revolution, people are increasingly looking for products and services online than anywhere else. So, getting a domain name which ensures one’s online identity is a need and not just an option anymore for anyone looking to grow his/her business.

As a hostof businesses with identical offerings sprout up around us, it is very important to be discoverable and stand out amidst the clutter. A 2015 survey by Searchmetrics evaluated 100,000 domain names to find that only 11% of these websites were actually visible1.

An impactful combination of your website and social media presencehelps you getdiscovered, contacted, and discussed byyour target audience. For being visible and searchable, your domain name is very important. The survey by Searchmetrics furthers suggests that 75% of websites found to be visible and discoverable were a .com. The message is clear- either be a .com or let your business languish in anonymity.

Why Your Domain Matters

.A.com domain name is equipped with unmatched SEO capabilities; especially when it comes to optimizing for Google’s search engine, .com domain definitely scores over any of its counterparts.

The most natural question that an SMB owner would ask at this pointis:- “How does the .com domain name always rank higher on Google searches compared to its peers?” The historical presence and acceptability of the .com domain for over 3 decades provides it a clear advantage during search queries. Since most number of searches isaimed at finding a .com based website, search engines usually rank these websites higher in search results2.

Additional Returns on Investment

Your web domain name can even have a resale value (in case you sell your business). A domain name can fetch more than Rs. 5,00,000 when resold. Insurance.com is the world’s most expensive domain name which was valued at $35.6 million3. So, high search ranking is not the only advantage of a .com domain.

Is Being .comEnough?

Nowadays, more than 80% online searches are conducted on mobile4. Hence, make sure that your .com website is mobile friendly. A seamless presence across platforms will help you get the desired visibility for your business.

Works Cited

  1. SEO Benefits of .com Versus Everything Else. 06 April 2015. <http://blog.searchmetrics.com/us/2015/04/06/seo-benefits-of-com-versus-everything-else/>.
  2. SEO Benefits of .com Versus Everything Else. 06 Apr 2015. <http://blog.searchmetrics.com/us/2015/04/06/seo-benefits-of-com-versus-everything-else/>.
  1. SHONTELL, ALYSON. MILLION-DOLLAR URLS: The Most Expensive Domain Names Of All Time. 23 July 2014. <http://www.businessinsider.in/MILLION-DOLLAR-URLS-The-Most-Expensive-Domain-Names-Of-All-Time/articleshow/38886140.cms>.

4.Bosomworth, Danyl. Mobile Marketing Statistics 2015. 2015. <http://www.smartinsights.com/mobile-marketing/mobile-marketing-analytics/mobile-marketing-statistics/>.