World University Rugby Invitational Tournament 2019 Project Launches Crowdfunding Campaign


– 2nd ever World University Rugby Cup (renamed WURIT) at WASEDA UNIVERSITY

– Crowdfunding project to raise money for events such as cultural exchange with local children

Tokyo, March 12, 2019: To coincide with the Rugby World Cup coming to Japan in September 2019, the second ever World University Rugby Cup, renamed the World University Rugby Invitational Tournament or WURIT, will be hosted by Waseda University.

Starting just before the beginning of the Rugby World Cup on September 16th to 25th, WURIT 2019 looks to bring 10 teams from universities around the world together and give the students an opportunity to test their abilities. The main idea behind this tournament is to allow the players to interact with students from other countries, allowing them to become more global.

One of the ways the committee behind WURIT 2019 is looking to raise funds is crowdfunding. The main aim of the campaign is to raise money to create two big events during the tournament. One is an event for the players to interact with the local children, allowing for these children to learn about rugby and other cultures. The other is an after match function for the players, to be created, so that the players can come together, and each develop as a more global person.

With this crowdfunding campaign, the Rugby Teams, and the children, are looking for people from around the world to add just a little bit of money to help these events come true.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)