MSMEs gets virtual presence


The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has made its online presence by placing five major schemes on the web. These include product certification, bar code, marketing assistance, incubator and design clinic. Getting a certification or bar code for a product to its market assistance will be much easier now, as it cuts out the red tape. This would ensure greater transparency and faster implementation. From receiving applications to its final execution – everything will be monitored online, within set deadlines. Technology and Quality Up-gradation have emerged as the two important attributes to hike up competitiveness for any manufacturing industry, according to the ministry website

Taking one example of high technology, bar coding is a series of parallel vertical lines (bars and space), that can be read by bar code scanners. It is used worldwide as part of product packages, as price tags, carton labels, on invoices even in credit card bills and when it is read by scanners, a wealth of data is made available at the users and when use with GS1.UCC (Global India one Numbering Uniform Code Council Inc. USA) numbering system. The bar code become unique and universal and can be recognized anywhere in the world. Bar coding is an international concept today. It facilitates unique product identification through using international symbologies/numbering system, promotes brand image and would enable timely and accurate capture of product information.